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International Education Program (IEP)

About the Degree

International education is grounded in the social sciences drawing many of its insights from economics, sociology, psychology, political science, and anthropology. Thus students who take up studies in international education are well advised to complement their educational studies with serious commitment to one or more of these core disciplines. While international education has one foot in the rich theoretical perspectives of the social sciences, it also steps out into the complexities of the real world through examining the actual practice of education in specific regional contexts. This practice may occur in formal schools and higher educational institutions. It also may occur in war zones, refugee camps, nomadic villages, or other unusual settings.


This program is designed for persons who are entering or advancing in positions associated with training, education, adult learning, and development activities in diverse settings that require international understanding. The program aims toward preparation of leaders to bring about improvements in developing education systems. Students acquire knowledge of other countries and cultures, using the education system as a means of interpreting and translating knowledge across cultures and analysis of the formal and nonformal school systems as they reflect history, culture, development, values, contemporary concerns, and future trends. In addition, students acquire tools, methods, and habits of analysis that enable them to play a variety of roles as leaders and change agents.


IEP Website

History of Our Program

Coming soon! 


This is Dorthy Moore, IEP's founder!

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